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Skyfactory Bedrock 100 Plus Mod Pack
This mod pack has over 100 plus mods, Welcome to SKYFACTORY

UPDATE on 12/sep/2021 ADD MODS/FIXED BUGS/NEW ISLAND/updated link, file size is much smaller/
some invis entitys left
in, its a small trade of, for the huge island
Here are some screen shots of few addons, but there are way more addons then u can imagine
if u guys get any lag, recommend to turn of all things on you video settings
XBOX USERS} U can not download this on xbox, due to xbox issues, if u wish to play on xbox, download this on your phone, then join off of xbox to that world, which is hosted on phone, i hope this helped,if u dont have Minecraft on phone, download the full version free from apptoid from browsers, enjoy...
some 3d mods,,, there are more for you to find
main starter island, future version will have many guide books plus many islands, future version will allow players to obtain items, that they normally cant in survival,,,
few screen shot, of some items, taken in creative mode
starter chest
ALL the creators can be found by looking through behavior and resource pack from the world,,, rather then combining all
addon in to one, i did this, so each creator of each addon can be found easily... also easier for the player to get more info on the addon...
some recipes might be hidden as some mods have that, i suggest looking through some creators, it will show a recipy on there page...
HAVE FUN 100 plus mods
Installation instructions for EVERY platform.
XBOX ONE installation tutorial:
XBOX USERS} U can not download this on xbox, due to xbox issues, if u wish to play on xbox, download this on your phone, then join off of xbox to that world, which is hosted on phone, i hope this helped,if u dont have Minecraft on phone, download the full version free from apptoid from browsers, enjoy...
IPHONE Installation tutorial:
ANDROID Installation Tutorial:
WINDOWS Installation Tutorial:
Link is not being updated so DOWNLOAD THIS WHICH IS UPDATED