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MCPE/Bedrock Magic Pearls

Do you want to be smaller or taller than usually? You can do that and much more with the Add-on "Magic Pearls". This Magic pearls will give you powers like water breathing, fire resistance, more speed / life / jump, and change your tall.
Simple pearls:
This add-on adds 11 type of simple magic pearls, this 11 magic pearls gives you only 1 effect.

The disponible effects are the next:
- Water Breathing
- Fire resistance
- Night vision
- Jump boost
- Speed boost
- Slow falling
- Health boost
- Smaller
- Giant
- Fast mining
- Stronger
Each pearl gives you the effect that its name indicates, like that:
The night vision pearl gives you Night vision.

The Smaller pearl makes you smaller.

The giant pearl makes you taller.

Mixed pearls:
The mixed pearls gives you effects of more than 1 pearl and more amplified, you can craft this pearls by mixing them, for example, you can combine the pearl of strong, life, speed, giant and fast mining and create the "Giant max pearl"

Crafting the pearls:
For crafting the magic pearls, you will need a "Magic pearl", and the magic pearl can be crafted with the next recipe:

Now, with the "Magic pearl", you can craft the Magic pearls with their respective crafting recipes, you can see their crafting recipes on the crafting table on the section "equipment".

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL4MwcU2lPleLscpVlBLMlg
I have changed the download links because the previous ones were suspicious