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Endercraft Reboot

Hello! We are Endercraft! Endercraft evolved from a different SMP also named Endercraft which had 4 seasons before ending. We are rebooting Endercraft under new management with much more! A bunch of quality of life addons are apart of a home ran Minecraft Server with 6gb of RAM and no border limits! We do have some requirements, which you can go over in the Discord. If you are interested in joining, please join the discord server which will be farther down in this page. Here are some recommendations and requirements.

Endercraft Reboot


Active community on either YouTube or Twitch

A following of 100 subscribers or more

Average view count of 50+ per video



YouTube channel (That has only ever belonged to you)

Quality, lengthy videos

Positive attitude

Ability to play on a Minecraft Bedrock Server

Mature personality

Age 14 or older

We also have quality of life addons on the Endercraft server which include:

Player Heads (dropped when killed)

One Player Sleep


Easy Farming

Spectator Mode for alt accounts

No creeper and wither explosions

and more to come!


Here are some pictures of the set spawn we have!

We would highly appreciate small and upcoming youtubers who make high quality videos to apply! 

Link to discord: https://discord.gg/58QC8wgnD6