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New Glowing Ore MCPE v2
Are you having trouble finding ore in the dark? This Texture Pack will make it easier for you to find ore in a dark place, with the glowing ore feature you can clearly see any ore in a dark place

Glowing ore texture list
- Deepslate iron & iron ore
- Deepslate diamond & diamond ore
- Deepslate Redstone & Redstone ore
- Deepslate gold & gold ore
- Deepslate emerald & emerald ore
- Deepslate lazuli & lazuli ore
- Deepslate coal & coal ore
- Deepslate copper & copper ore

- Crimson fungus
- Weeping vines 『New』
- Warped stem 『New』
- Crimson stem 『New』
- Quartz ore
- Nether gold ore
- Ancient debris

- Dead chorus flower 「NEW」

Other textures
- Magma & Gilded Black Stone block

- Brewing Stand & Mob Spawner

- Crying obsidian 『New』