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Venus Skyblock
This realm has many fun features including events such as supply drops, KOTH, spleef, slappy temple, parkour, and double quest points. We have an expansive shop with island effects, kits, building materials, and much more! We have a text GUI that can be used to tp to other players, activate island upgrades, warp around spawn, transfer money, etc. There are many quests for you to complete while playing that reward you with sell multipliers, shulkers, crate keys, and lottery tickets. Join the realm to find out what other exciting things it has for players like you!

Venus Network is a new, upcoming MCBE realm development team. Together, we make and moderate realms for players. We hope you all can find fun playing on one of our realms! Join Below!
[Venus Discord]
[Venus Skyblock A]
Code: ksgL8orQK8Y
[Venus Skyblock B]
Code: jyJYLBdgnkc
This realm has many fun features including events such as supply drops, KOTH, spleef, slappy temple, parkour, and double quest points. We have an expansive shop with island effects, kits, building materials, and much more! We have a text GUI that can be used to tp to other players, activate island upgrades, warp around spawn, transfer money, etc. There are many quests for you to complete while playing that reward you with sell multipliers, shulkers, crate keys, and lottery tickets. Join the realm to find out what other exciting things it has for players like you!