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Lunar Prisons: Remastered (Realm)
Lunar Prisons: Remastered is the same prisons our community loves, with a new owner, Lil Gecko#5651! Our old owner has sadly taken a long break from minecraft and is not going to be coming back. However, with Gecko's new Remastered Lunar much more progress will be completed as well as a completely new environment to go and explore! With Season 2 of Lunar Prisons now dropping, now is the perfect time to join and get in on the action! Advert: Looking to play fun and unique realms? Well, Lunar is the network for you! We offer tons of features in all of our realms and great builds by our amazing Builders and helpful/supportive staff!

Take a tour of the realm, with a new and updated version releasing for Season 2!
The Lobby
Here will be your central hub to go everywhere, visit the Arena where you can fight foes to be the best, rank up to explore new and exciting mines, visit the shop to purchase shiny new Pickaxes and visit the cells to store all your rare ores and and pickaxes! Once you enter the realm you will be met by Warp Podiums which you can see in the image displayed below! Use these to get to your desired locations and navigate the server.
The mines
Here you can gaze upon your source of income! Get to mining prisoner, these ores aren't gonna break themselves!
Spin the wheel of luck and redeem different prizes to keep Forever!
Fight players and mobs in the arena to gain items to use in the crates area!
Minigames - Jackpot Parkour
Upon dying you will be deducted $5 from your balance. This will be added to the Parkour Jackpot Total until someone completes it! The stakes could be endless and the rewards could be legendary! Completing the tricky parkour course will reward you with the current prizepool to keep as your reward!
Final Messages
Both me, the owner and the community hope you have fun on Lunar Realms and hope to see you soon!
Server Owner: Lil Gecko#5651 (DISCORD) (AKA: LunarNet)
Posted By: CarrotStickCam#4208 (DISCORD) (AKA: AWizBantz)
Discord Code: H8GCFKeSWG
Join Link: Click Here!
WARNING: All links on the previous post have been changed or have expired. These new codes are not expected to change and will stay the same for the forseeable future.