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MCPE/Bedrock Madness Accelerant Addon V1

Do you searching for madness combat addon? Well.. you come into the right place for getting a madness combat addon! I add new addon today! and also don't forget to subscribe me and Bf! And thanks to Bf for make models: Hank,Tricky,Tricky Phase 3,Agent,ATP Engineer & Soldat,Grunt, And Mag Hank.
This is the showcase addon video by me!:
In this addon you can play or fighting with madness combat- character.. and you can make you'r map by using this addon! Here's the part of map madness combat:

Here's the info:
Hank: Attack=25-35
      Can tame using=-HotDog-.

Tricky: Attack=15-25
       If you killed tricky, he will turn into     -Tricky Phase 3 Boss-.

Tricky Phase 3: Attack=60
              If you killed this boss, he will weak after death.

Weak Tricky: Attack={None}
            If you killed this tricky, he will transform into the -Tricky Phase 4-.
Tricky Phase 4: Attack=75
              -Tricky Phase 4- images, here:

ATP Engineer,ATP Soldat, & Agent: Attack=9-10
      Can shoot players & -Hank- using ammo.

Grunt: Attack=6
      This character always in all -madness combat- series.

Mag Hank: Attack=85
          Can tame using: -HotDog-.

•Sistem machineÂ


•Wooden boxÂ

•Mag indivitionsÂ

Now this addon have debug screen!:

The debug screen template made by -Flamingfrost Gaming-Â
Next update in V2:
•Change text addon
•Remake hotdog vendor shop
•Add secret mobs can only spawn using command
How to download my addon:
1.click the download linkÂ
2.click the files .mcaddon and enjoy!
Subscribe to the ender364 and Bf!
creator: The Ender364