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Welcome to Dark Arena this world is a KIT PVP which has various kits to choose from and. And a rough and firely arena to PvP on! And also Power-up chest and a working Kill counter. HELP WANTEDOOK this Kit pvp world has various kits to choose from which are: Wizard Witch Archer Techno Knight Crusader Aqua King Assassin The arena is a rough terrain which makes PvPing way more intense and fun The chest in the arena are lucky chest which will refill after a timer is done. Kill counter/scoreboard The kill counter is also an Xp counter once you kill someone it will count to you as one kill. How to use the scoreboard: All players are bounded to the "Kills" scoreboard I suggest you do not mess with the corresponding scoreboards in the world. To Add an amount fo kills to you or someone else this is the command: /scoreboard players add [player] kills [amount] To Remove a specific amount of kills this is the command: /scoreboard players remove [player] kills [amount] NOTE: XP Bottles will also count to your kills if thrown. Lucky chest: In the world there are power-up chest around the arena, if you would like to change the Items just head to the chords: 95 21 -64 Enjoy