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Mining Simulator [NEW UPDATE]

A realm inspired by the Roblox Mining Simulator its quite different tho, but i am only the developer for the command blocks; and i do not know much about the roblox mining simulator. but the summary of it is just mine then craft for better pickaxes. But it is a very grindy game

Mining Simulator [NEW UPDATE]

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Click to join realm

Click to join discord

Realm Code: BcBaB0zNerg



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The mining in this game is very close to vanilla mining but the mines are more

like the prison mines but the mine is very deep and has set ores randomized

into the mine.



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The pickaxes in this realm break but you can repair them for cheaper then they

were to buy. Fixing pickaxes are all the same price $200, and buying them is

well worth it because you will make you money back in less then 20 minutes



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The gameplay in this is really chill you just mine around talk to other people.
We got lucky and our community is not toxic and is very chill (probably because
this is a mining simulator were you mine). But basicly you just want to mine

get your ores, sell then buy another pickaxe. But the game is very grindy and

will take alot of time to get to the top.



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Added 1 Outfit in the second mine The seller is Dana in the little cave above the mine Equip it at the Wardrobe across from Dana

2 Diffrent huds added Talk to Himothy to swap them


(The banner or image whatever you wanna call it is the old mining sim but

im to lazy to fix it)