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MCPE/Bedrock Fitness Addon
Are you tired of improving your armor, tools and weapon? It's time to improve yourself and become a pure muscle machine. You will have to do a lot of exercise to reach the maximum level of strength and speed. but this one will be completely worth it
Addon Items
hand weights:
item to improve the player's strength
Using hand weights has a 10% chance of receiving negative effects such as "Mining fatigue" and "slowness". Don't exercise for too long or when you're fighting.
grants more strength but the cooldown is balanced
grants less strength but cooldown is low
grants more strength but the cooldown is high
Heavy armband:
item to improve player speed
Using Heavy armband has a 10% chance of receiving negative effects such as "slowness". Don't exercise for too long or when you're fighting.
easier to do slightly increases the speed of the player
grants more speed but the cooldown is balanced
grants less speed but cooldown is low
grants more speed but the cooldown is high
Dramatically increases the strength of the player, it is used to improve your muscles faster
Dramatically increases player speed, used to improve your speed
Muscle levels:
Level 0
Level 1:
after collecting 500 strength
"strength 1"
Level 2:
after collecting 1000 strength
"strength 2"
Level 3:
after collecting 1000 strength
"strength 3"
Level 4:
after collecting 1500 strength
"strength 4"
Too excessive, capable of killing a zombie in one hit
Speed levels:
Running increases your level of speed, you can improve this ability without having to do the items but this can take a long time
Level 0:
after collecting 0 speed
speed 1.0
Level 1:
after collecting 500 speed
speed 1.1
level 2:
after collecting 1000 speed
speed 1.2
level 3:
after collecting 1500 speed
speed 1.3
level 4:
after collecting 2000 speed
speed 1.4
appearance of maximum level of strength and speed:
Armor adapts according to your strength or speed level
Return clock:
leaves you in a basal state, musculature 0 and speed 0
Musculature +:
Increase muscle level quickly (Only from gamemode creative)
Increase creative level quickly (Only from gamemode creative)
Important:Â people who review this addon many times do not read the characteristics and terms to make a video of this addon. If you are a content creator please use this link and you are not allowed to leave the direct link or make your own link. If you break I will take measures for this
it is necessary to download the RP and BP in addition to activating THE EXPERIMENTAL MODES