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MCPE/Bedrock Avatar: The Last Airbender (BETA)
This is the beta version of my avatar Addon(based off of the avatar cartoon). There are 5 moves/abilities for each element for now. The 4 elements are air, water, fire and earth.
How to Start
There are two ways to begin your avatar adventures.
- Use the command /function elements
- You can craft the elemental book. While holding the book long press for mobile, right click for pc/kbm, right trigger for controller.
How the Moves Work
To use the move right click for pc/kbm, long press for mobile, and right trigger for Xbox. Each drains your hunger when used. Each move also takes away health while holding.
Hellfire: Creates a 7x7 of fire around you.
Heatwave: Creates a 5x5 ring of fire around you.
Fire Jet: Launches you into the air and leaves behind fire.
Fireball: Shoots a Ball of fire
Lava Pit: Creates a 3x3 of lava around you
Ice Spikes: Shoots spikes up from under every mob/player in a 30x30 radius
Ice Shield: Creates a shield of ice around you.
Ice Pillar: Creates a 4 block tall pillar of ice under you.
Water Bullet: Shoots a ball of water(replaces trident for now)
Blood Bending: Absorbs health from every mob/player in a 30x30 radius
Earth Shield: Creates a shield of earth around you.
Quicksand: Turns every block in a 20 block radius to sand then pulls every player/mob on the sand(except you) under ground.
Earth Pillar: Creates a 4 block tall pillar of dirt under you.
Earth Launch: Launches you into the air using earth.
Earth throw: Launches the mobs/players around you into the air using earth.
Whirlwind: Throws the players/mobs around you into the air.
Fly: Allows you to fly(jump twice to fly)
Air Leap: Launches you into the air.
Wind Shuriken: Shoots a Shuriken of win, you tp to where the Shuriken lands
Air Bullet: Shoots a ball of wind.
Plans for V1.0
- Better Models for the Moves
- More projectile moves with 3D Models
- System to have to craft moves after choosing your element(you will only be able to craft the element you chose)
- Maybe a delay before you can use each move again, I say maybe cause this is very difficult so it might be after V1.0.
Select version for changelog:
I Added more in game photos to the Addon description
Experimental Gameplay and Education Edition need to be activated to use this addon.
creator: ShortsRL