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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock The NEW Moss Golem!

MCPE/Bedrock The NEW Moss Golem!

In this add on, a new Golem comes to Minecraft called the Moss Golem. He is here to light up your path and protect you from aggressive mobs! He is a perfect companion for cave exploration!


Ever felt alone, cold, and in the dark in those huge Minecraft 1.18+ caves??? 

Don't explore alone! Bring along this brand new friendly mob called the Moss Golem!!!

The Moss Golem is a new mob in Minecraft. Similar to an Iron Golem, he protects villagers and attacks monsters. 

This golem is different however. He spawns on Moss Blocks in the dark. As he walks, he turns certain blocks into a new block for Minecraft called Glow Moss!

Here are the blocks that will turn to glow moss:

  • Moss Blocks
  • Stone
  • Granite
  • Andesite
  • Deepslate

The glow moss will help light up your path as you explore the caves. 

Feel free to mine these new blocks called Glow Moss. If mined with a silk touch, they can be used as lights or decoration. They spawn gold particles which make them an interesting decoration.

If mined with other non-silk touch tools, they will drop moss and glow berries. These blocks cannot be made on the crafting table. They can only be found on the path of a Moss Golem.

Moss Golems also drop moss and glow berries, but they also drop spore blossoms.

I hope you all enjoy this add-on. If you have suggestions or comments, email [email protected]

NOTE: You must have Holiday Features / Experimental Gameplay on for this add-on to work.