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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Smash Bats Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Smash Bats Addon

Hello and welcome to my addon, in this addon you will find new 6+ smash bats that will help you beat mobs easily, There is a wooden smash bat, an iron smash bat, a golden smash bat, a diamond smash bat, a gravity smash bat, a damage smash bat, This is the addon, hope you enjoy it, Good luck.


In this addon, there are 6+ new smash bats, that will help you kill mobs and easily beat them,
This is the addon, hope you enjoy it,

Smash Bats :

Wooden Smash Bat

Damage : 4

Durability : 400


Iron Smash Bat

Damage : 7

Durability : 900


Golden Smash Bat

Damage : 11

Durability : 300


Diamond Smash Bat

Damage : 12

Durability : 1300


Gravity Smash Bat

Damage : 7

Durability : 700

Ability: when you use this smash bat you will get the moon gravity for 10 seconds.


Damage Smash Bat

Damage : 7

Durability : 700

Ability: when you use this smash bat you will damage any close mobs by 10 blocks.


You can enchant and repair all these smash bats by enchantment table and anvil.


You can't use the addon without turn ( Holiday Creator Features ) ON.


This is the addon, hope you enjoy it,

Good luck.

creator: AmGamer766