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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But You Only Have 1 Heart

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But You Only Have 1 Heart

In this new add-on that I make for Minecraft, I bring you Minecraft but it only has 1 heart, this add-on is available to all people who want more difficulty for their game.


So if you want to add more difficulty to your Minecraft World, you just have to add this add-on and for a better experience put it in difficult mode since it will be quite difficult to kill the Dragon since you only have 1 heart!!!

Here are some examples of the plugin.



I changed the featured image and changed it to English language, hope you accept it ?


Install the plugin, then click to open Minecraft, wait for the files to load, and you're done. It is not necessary to activate the experimental game mode.

creator: BRAHIM009