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FryBry 100k Shaders

In honor of reaching 100k subs I decided to partner with an independent shader developer. This shader provides users with a no lag and realistic experience! This shader works for the newest update of Minecraft Bedrock Edition, 1.17. This shader will also contribute in the fight against hunger in America!
FryBry, also known as Bryant Vidals is a Mexican American Youtuber who makes daily content on tips and tricks on the popular video game "Minecraft Bedrock." He started his YouTube channel in November 2019 and has been making simple and useful videos for the Minecraft Bedrock community. His videos provide easy ways for Minecraft Bedrock users to download texture packs and much more.
- Custom UI
- Custom homepage
- No lag shader
- F1 button
- Nice water
- Aesthetic sunset
- Better rain
- Realistic physics (moving leaves, grass, sugarcane, etc)
To start off, this shader completely changes the homescreen by added a new logo in replacement to where the "Minecraft" logo was. The logo also has the "FryBry" logo in the corner of the text. The background is also changed to a panorama of another shader.
This shader also comes with a custom F1 button that you can press to hide your GUI instantly! If you want your GUI to reappear, press the F1 button again! Its a simple to use button and is very helpful for mobile creators who don't want to waste time manually going into the settings and changing the "POV." setting. This button has a FryBry logo on it!
"100% of ALL the money made from this shader will be going to the Feeding America charity where $1 = 10 meals for those in need. LETS MAKE SOME CHANGE! Please only use this link if you plan to showcase it as its the only way for this shader to make money and therefore, the only way to help those in need. Please do the right thing!"
- Bryant Vidals
"TYSM for 100k!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been a dream of mine since I was like 11 and I hope you like it!"
- Bryant Vidals
This pack was developed by the Filipino YouTuber "Termux HD" His talent in pack creation has truly shined in this project
- Press on the "DOWNLOAD" button at the bottom of the page
- Press on "free access with ads"
- Wait 10 seconds
- Press "Download"
- Open any document app (ex. ES File Explorer, ZArchive) and open it with Minecraft
A video guide can be found in the "GUIDE" section of this website.
Overall, this shader will enhance your Minecraft worlds and bring an aesthetic vibe to your world. The shadows are darker and defined while the lighting is much more brighter and vibrant.