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This kit pvp contains: Clans Clans leaderboard ( top 3 clans get payed ) Duels Combo arena Quests Money pouches Mail man Abilities ( you can buy in game ) Mines ( in pvp, shop for it ) Many shops such as: Kit shop ( 20 kits in total ) Pickaxe shop Misc shop Mp shop Cosmetics Abilities shop Great builds

Warzone pictures below
discord kit
Realm code: F27EkWUZ4AM
Quick Link To Realm: https://mcrlm.herokuapp.com/exoduskitpvp
discord code: https://discord.gg/m6U7ApqV2W ( use it for discord kit code )
we also have other realms such as pot pvp that you may enjoy
there Are many other features in exodus kit pvp, that will be for you to find out once you join