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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Trains! Add-on 2

MCPE/Bedrock Trains! Add-on 2

This is version 2.0 of the original "Trains! Addon steam edition", with custom craftable trains, new recipes, 8 different color options, and a more improved way of connecting the compartments! Also this time it doesn't replace minecarts ?

Creator: @da4thedge

How to use:

1. Craft and place down the Engine. (recipes are down below, or watch the video)
2. Ride and move forward to adjust the engine's orientation.
3. Craft the couplers.
4. Crouch and interact with the couplers to spawn a connected carriage or cargo.
5. Repeat step 3 and build your train!
6. Crouch and interact with dyes to color the engine, carriages and cargos. There are total 8 colors available.
7. Ride the engine and move forward, all connected carriages and cargos will move along.
Congratulations you just built your first train!



Bugs and limitations:

1. Random animation glitches at 1st person view
2. Train can't climb up slopes
3. Leashes are invisible

Useful commands:

/give @s edge:engine_spawn_egg
/give @s edge:carriage_spawn_egg
/give @s edge:cargo_spawn_egg
/give @s edge:carriage_coupler
/give @s edge:cargo_coupler


  1. Complete rework of the addon, from scratch
  2. Trains now don't replace minecarts
  3. Proper rotation animations
  4. Train compartments don't get glitched inside one other
  5. Removed ads from the download links, it's Mediafire now