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MCPE/Bedrock Project Mainland - Addon

We are not on the island anymore! "Project Mainland" is a continuation of the Project Nublar Map/Datapacks started in Java Edition but now its here for Bedrock edition making use of Bedrock's abilities to make custom entities! So technically this is "Project Nublar 4"...
Here is a video going into some extra details and showing how things work!
As noted in the installation instructions in the video and the note below, the Custom Biome slider must be activated in order for Amber Ore to spawn in!

Amber Ore spawns under ground like other ores. When you mine it you get... Amber. But you have no idea what DNA is contained in the ore until you craft the Amber into DNA!

As you see here all of the Ambers look the same but stack differently and give you a different Dinosaurs DNA piece.
Collect 4 of the same Dinosaur DNA to craft a Genome!

You can craft an Egg into an Empty Egg...

Combine an Empty Egg with a Dinosaur Genome to get a Dinosaur Egg! Right click to spawn it into the world which, after some time, it should spawn (if not /event entity @e[r=3] hatch_ankylosaurus will hatch an Ankylosaurus egg for you!  ) should do the trick!

In time the Baby Dinosaur will grow into an Adult Dinosaur like this T-Rex above ^
Certain dinosaurs also have special attacks, at least in their animation, carnivores like this T-Rex bites forward and some herbivores like the Ankylosaurus below attack with their tail!

The dinosaurs also have special behavior! Sometimes they go to a water source to "drink" and at night they will sleep as well!

Some dinosaurs from the upcoming Jurassic World: Dominion are also featured here like the Giganotosaurus, Pyroraptor, and Atrociraptor!

Also Pteranodon's and Mososaurs!

There is an additional download link below here as well for an RTX compatible version when you want to have some fancy lightning enabled (only works on devices compatible with RTX),

Should work in the latest versions of Bedrock so 1.17x etc! You need to have Custom Biomes enabled so that the Amber Ores generate in the world!