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Player Head Drops Addon (Download/Tutorial) - Minecraft Bedrock
Minecraft Bedrock Addon that adds a way to collect other player's heads. When a player dies a head of the player will drop. To customise this addon with your own heads you need to edit the pack, I have included a tutorial for win10 in the video!

Player Head Drops Addon for Minecraft Bedrock Edition!!
(more details below)
Check out the YouTube Video;
If you want to use this pack in a video or texture pack please link to my YouTube Video!
This is a Minecraft Bedrock Addon that adds a way to collect other player's heads. When a player dies a head of the player will drop.
To customise this addon with your own heads you need to edit the pack, I have included a tutorial for win10 in the video!
*This pack is NOT Automatic.
It is impossible to get the skin file information and player name information on Minecraft Bedrock Edition using Addons.
So you will have to do a little bit of manual editing of the pack to make it work for you.