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MCPE/Bedrock Mine Helper [Add-on]
![MCPE/Bedrock Mine Helper [Add-on]](https://mcdlspot.com/mcpe-bedrock-images/mcpe-bedrock-mine-helper-addon_2-750x459.jpeg)
 -Automatic Mobile Storage -Bodyguard -Land and Underwater Transport. In this addon you will find 7 entities to satisfy different tastes of colors. Each one was designed thinking about being a good company when mining in Minecraft, because many times we run out of space in our inventory to collect more resources, or hostile mobs appear without prior notice, they attack us and make us lose everything we have won. The MINE HELPER, automatically collect everything you mine and does not enter your inventory, and you can use it as a "mobile chest" because they are equivalent to having a second inventory nearby. They also protect you from enemies while you collect resources, they are very strong, resistant, and you can craft their spawner very easily. You can use the MINE HELPER for transport, on land and underwater, they won't drown, and they are very fast in both mediums. You have found here the best job assistant for your survival worlds!
Add-on Features
-The owner must first craft the spawn egg of the MINE HELPER, then spawn the entity and then tame it with gold or iron nuggets, having a probability per nugget of 90% of tame effectiveness, only then, it can always follow its owner. Otherwise, a non-tamed MINE HELPER will only be attracted to its food: gold or iron nuggets. But you won't be able to use their inventory. [More about crafting at the end of this post]

-MINE HELPER can move quickly on land and underwater and will not drown.

-You can ride it, and jump up to 5 blocks high.

-Automatically attack any hostile mob that is nearby, any mob that inflicts damage on its owner and any mob attacked by its owner.Â
Mine Helper pick up any item within a radius of 2 blocks around it.
It will follow you even if you enter other dimensions such as the nether, protecting you from all enemies that pose a threat to you.

-It has an inventory of 27 slots, which can only be opened by its owner once it has been tamed.

-He has a lot of life, and a very strong attack, he has the ability to fight a wither or many zoglins in battle and be victorious without much effort.

-You can recover his life using gold or iron nuggets; the gold nuggets will give it health recovery effect for 30 seconds. The iron nuggets will give it a force effect for 30 seconds and health.

-It is almost indestructible, it is immune to lava and fire, and it does not take fall damage.

-Can be tied to prevent him from following you. It can be renamed using tags.

Crafts for each MINE HELPER spawn egg
1. Mihelb
Items needed to craft the spawn egg:Â Lapis block, barrel, feather, and redstone.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]:Â /give @s mh:mihelb_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]:Â /summon mh:mihelb ~ ~ ~

2. Mihelr
Items needed to craft the spawn egg:Â White glazed terracotta, barrel, feather, and redstone.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]:Â /give @s mh:mihelr_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]:Â /summon mh:mihelr ~ ~ ~

3. Miheld
Items needed to craft the spawn egg:Â Redstone block, barrel, feather, and redstone.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]:Â /give @s mh:miheld_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]:Â /summon mh:miheld ~ ~ ~

4. Mihely
Items needed to craft the spawn egg:Â Gold block, barrel, feather, and redstone.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]:Â /give @s mh:mihely_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]:Â /summon mh:mihely ~ ~ ~

5. Mihelg
Items needed to craft the spawn egg:Â Slime block, barrel, feather, and redstone.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]:Â /give @s mh:mihelg_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]:Â /summon mh:mihelg ~ ~ ~

6. Mihelp
Items needed to craft the spawn egg:Â Iron block, barrel, feather, and redstone.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]:Â /give @s mh:mihelp_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]:Â /summon mh:mihelp ~ ~ ~

7. Miheln
Items needed to craft the spawn egg:Â Coal block, barrel, feather, and redstone.
Command to receive its spawn egg [for operators]:Â /give @s mh:miheln_spawn_egg 1
Command to summon this entity [for operators]:Â /summon mh:miheln ~ ~ ~

There will be news and improvements in future updates.
– You are allowed to make videos or pictures with my add-on (YouTube, Twitch, etc).
– You are not allowed to modify my add-on.
– Don’t ask me for permissions. You are not allowed to claim my add-on as your own!Â
– You are not allowed to redistribute and/or reupload it
– If you like to share my add-on, please share it with a link to MY LINK
– If you modified something or use my add-on, please leave a note.
Please consider my agreement.
Thank you for your polite and constructive suggestions, I will try to improve.Â
Greetings and thanks for the visit.Â
Although the previous links personally did work for me; I renewed the download links and verification files from the download source page, with the same information as before, to avoid conflicts when downloading the mcpacks.
You must download and install the files from both links in your game.
1. Click on the download links.
2. Click on the "Free access" button.
3. Click on the "Discover Articles" button.
4. Click the X, wait a few seconds, and click the X again.
5. Click on the "Continue" button.
6. Click on the download button.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPQzHGoiQ795o9RW7RUBKcg