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Another Loot Bag Addon
Alot of players search for loot bag's addon, and when they find some, they see that they miss some stuff, so I made a good loot bag addon for you guys.

Another Loot Bag Addon:
This addon is a loot bag addon, loot bags are bags gained from mobs, that give you certain items, in this addon we have 5 loot bags, I will add more later, that are armor loot bag, building loot bag, fighting loot bag, food loot bag, and mining loot bag.
Armor loot bag
This loot bag is a bag that gives you 1 or 2 pieces of armor, from leather to netherite, from boots to helmets.
Building Loot Bag
This loot bag will give you from 32 to 64 blocks, or block crafting materials, that are used to build.
Fighting Loot Bag
This loot bag will give you 1 or 2 swords(next update all weapons), that can be used to fight mobs or players, it give you from wood to netherite, so will you get a netherite sword first time.
Food Loot Bag
This loot bag will give you some food if your hungry, use this one if you are hungry, it may give high tier food, and sometimes low ones.
Miner Loot Bag
This loot bag will give you 1 or 2 pickaxes, that are used for the player to mine, it may give you from wood to netherite, so will you get the netherite in first spin, tell me in the comments if you did.
Items will be more rare in next update
If this addon is cool please watch me on yt https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCrK1rLcb2VcjBysBjcsJWBg