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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock The Metal Addon! V2 (Alloy Metals Update)

MCPE/Bedrock The Metal Addon! V2 (Alloy Metals Update)

The metal addon is an addon that adds metal ore that you can make tools and armor. the addon adds a new custom creation table that you can create steel and bronze things. Watch the video to see all features.



the metal generation:

metal can spawn underground at y 0 - y 60

put the metal in one furnace to get metal scrap for make the metal table

use the metal scrap to craft the metal table for craft metals things. (follow the recipe)

now in vannila crafting table craft a hammer for make metal ingots in metal table.

follow this recipe for make steel ingots in metal table

bronze ingots

now you can craft metal armor and tools just look the recipes here (craft in metal table)

steel helmet:

steel chestplate:

steel leggings:

steel boots:


steel sword:

steel pickaxe:

steel axe:

steel shovel:

steel hoe:

(you can craft bronze armor/tools with the same recipe just use bronze ingots)




-changed metal to steel
-adds bronze
-adds more tools and bronze armor