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MCPE/Bedrock GolemsPLUS Addon (100+ New Golems)

GolemsPLUS addon mods in over 100+ NEW Golems to Minecraft that you can build and create in your own worlds. There is even a new boss for you to fight!
In order to create any of these new golems you will need to first create the Golem Core block. Crafted with Polished Andesite, Redstone Dust, and Deepslate Bricks! This block will be used to create your golems.
WARNING: Do not Place more than a 10 at a time or you may experience some lag, there was nothing I can do about lag.

You will place this in the middle of the 3 blocks you're using to make your golem and a carved pumpkin on top. This is how you would make the Diamond Golem.

There are lots of new golems so let's go over some of the new golems types you may want to get!

To create these, you will need sideways logs for the arms & the bottom log facing up or down.

Wooden Golem
The wood golems all share the same traits but when struck by lightning they change into a charred wooden golem! These are just a few.

- Made from Any Log or Plank
- 25 HP
- Attack: 4 - 15
- Becomes charred when hit by lightning (Except for Warped & Crimson)
This not only introduces new golem but expands on the Iron Golem by adding new biome variants you can find!
Frozen Golem
If you find a snowy village or create an iron golem in snowy biomes you will create a frozen golem.

Sandy Golem
If you find a desert village or create an iron golem in the desert then you will create a sandy golem.

Mossy & Overgrown Golem
Creating an iron golem and a jungle will create 2 variations of a mossy golem.

Warped Golem
Creating an iron golem in a warped forest gives you the warped golem.

Crimson Golem
Creating an iron golem in a crimson forest gives you the crimson golem.

Soul Golem
Creating an iron golem in the soul sand valley will give you the soul golem.

Ender Golem
Creating an iron golem in the end will give you the ender golem.

Coral Golem
Creating an iron golem on a beach will give you the coral golem.

Mushroom Golem
Creating an iron golem in a mushroom biome will give you the mushroom golem.

Rusty Golem
There's also a rusty Golem, after 30 to 35 minutes the Iron Golem will Rust. Interact with any axe to remove the rust from the golem.

- 50 HP
- Attack: 3.5 - 10.5
You can create Golems from different ores like Emerald, Gold, Redstone, Amethyst, Netherite, Ancient Debris, Diamond, and Lapis Lazuli.

Redstone Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Redstone blocks
Ancient Debris Golem
- Attack: 14 - 27 AP
- Health: 160HP
- Made from Ancient Debris blocks
Amethyst Golem
- Attack: 12 - 21 AP
- Health: 65 HP
- Made from Amethyst blocks
Netherite Golem
- Attack: 18 - 30 AP
- Health: 180 HP
- Made from Netherite blocks
Gold Golem
- Attack: 4 - 16 AP
- Health: 35 HP
- Made from Gold blocks
Emerald Golem
- Attack: 16 - 28 AP
- Health: 200 HP
- Made from Emerald blocks
Diamond Golem
- Attack: 13 - 26 AP
- Health: 150 HP
- Made from Diamond blocks
Lapis Golem
- Attack: 4 - 16 AP
- Health: 35 HP
- Made from Lapis blocks
Let's go over the stone golems! All the stone golems of all the same stats.

Stone Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Stone blocks
Smooth Stone Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Smooth Stone blocks
Granite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Granite blocks
Polished Granite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Polished Granite blocks
Diorite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Diorite blocks
Polished Diorite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Polished Diorite blocks
Andesite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Andesite blocks
Polished Andesite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Polished Andesite blocks
Blackstone Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Blackstone blocks
Brick Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Brick blocks
Next we have some golems which you can change the color of!

Terracotta Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Can be dyed
- Can be made from other Terracotta
- 16 color variants

Concrete Golem
- Attack: 11 - 16 AP
- Health: 22 HP
- Can be dyed
- Can be made from other Concrete
- 15 color variants

Stained Glass Golem
- Attack: 8 - 14 AP
- Health: 12 HP
- Can be dyed
- Can be made from other Stained Glass
- 15 color variants

Wool Golem
- Attack: 8 - 11 AP
- Health: 18 HP
- Can be dyed
- Can be made from other wool
- 15 color variants
There's also the regular glass golem.

Glass Golem
- Attack: 8 - 14 AP
- Health: 12 HP
- Made from Glass blocks
Next up is the copper golem but NOT the Minecraft Live copper golem. Overtime the copper golem will oxidize but you can use an axe to deoxidize it or use a honeycomb to stop it from oxidizing.
Copper Golem
- 1 Hour to become Exposed
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 90 HP
- Made from Copper or Cut Copper
- Can be waxed

Exposed Copper Golem
- 1 Hour to become weathered
- Attack: 10 - 14 AP
- Health: 85HP
- Made from Exposed Copper or Exposed Cut Copper
- Can be waxed
- Can be unwaxed with any axe
- Can be deoxidized by axe

Weathered Copper Golem
- 1 Hour to become oxidized
- Attack: 8 - 12 AP
- Health: 80 HP
- Made from Weathered Copper or Weathered Cut Copper
- Can be waxed
- Can be unwaxed with any axe
- Can be deoxidized by axe

Oxidized Copper Golem
- Attack: 6 - 10 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Oxidized Copper or Oxidized Cut Copper
- Can be waxed
- Can be unwaxed with any axe
- Can be deoxidized by axe

Next is the obsidian & crying obsidian golems.

Obsidian Golem
- Attack: 13 - 18
- Health: 80
- Made from Obsidian blocks

Crying Obsidian Golem
- Attack: 13 - 18
- Health: 80
- Made from Crying Obsidian blocks
Next is the clay golem and will become a terracotta golem which struck by lightning

Clay Golem
- Attack: 6 - 10 AP
- Health: 10 HP
- Can be struck by lightning to become a terracotta golem
- Made from Clay blocks
Next is the dirt golem which can be created from coarse dirt, normal dirt, or rooted dirt.

There is also the nether golem which is made a bit differently than the other ones.

Nether Golem
- Attack: 4 - 10 AP
- Health: 25 HP
- Made from Netherrack blocks
Then we have a slime Golem and when killed will split into smaller variants.

Large Slime Golem
- Attack: 13 - 26 AP
- Health: 32 HP
Medium Slime Golem
- Attack: 7 - 13 AP
- Health: 17 HP
Small Slime Golem
- Attack: 4 - 7 AP
- Health: 9 HP
The ice golem is the last passive golem you can make.

Ice Golem
- Attack: 4 - 14 AP
- Health: 20 HP
- Made from Ice blocks
Time for the boss, the Wither Golem Boss is a very tough foe! He has the same attacks & drops as the Wither Boss. He can summon wither skeletons and Wither Golem Heads which are a new mob that can fly.

When making the Wither Golem, you will need who plays three carved pumpkins on top instead of one. And is made from Soul Sand or Soul Soil.

Wither Golem
- 400HP
- Summons Wither Skeletons
- Summons Wither Golem Heads
- Same attacks as the Wither Boss
Added Concrete Golem
Added Wool Golem
Added Stained Glass Golem
Added Terracotta Golem
Added Brick Golem
Added Ancient Debris Golem
Added Amethyst Golem
Added Netherite Golem
Added Nether Golem
Added Glass Golem
Added Dirt Golem
Added Clay Golem
Added Stone Golem
Added Smooth Stone Golem
Added Granite Golem
Added Polished Granite Golem
Added Diorite Golem
Added Polished Diorite Golem
Added Andesite Golem
Added Polished Andesite Golem
Added Blackstone Golem
Added Crying Obsidian Golem
Added Obsidian Golem
Added Ice Golem
Added Redstone Golem
Added Copper Golem
Added Exposed Copper Golem
Added Weathered Copper Golem
Added Oxidized Copper Golem
Added Cut Copper Golem
Added Cut Exposed Copper Golem
Added Cut Weathered Copper Golem
Added Cut Oxidized Copper Golem
Updated Slime Golem
Updated textures
In order to create any of these new golems you will need to first create the Golem Core block. Crafted with Polished Andesite, Redstone Dust, and Deepslate Bricks! This block will be used to create your golems.

You will place this in the middle of the 3 blocks you're using to make your golem and a carved pumpkin on top. This is how you would make the Diamond Golem.

There are lots of new golems so let's go over some of the new golems types you may want to get!

To create these, you will need sideways logs for the arms & the bottom log facing up or down.

Wooden Golem
The wood golems all share the same traits but when struck by lightning they change into a charred wooden golem! These are just a few.

- Made from Any Log or Plank
- 25 HP
- Attack: 4 - 15
- Becomes charred when hit by lightning (Except for Warped & Crimson)
This not only introduces new golem but expands on the Iron Golem by adding new biome variants you can find!
Frozen Golem
If you find a snowy village or create an iron golem in snowy biomes you will create a frozen golem.

Sandy Golem
If you find a desert village or create an iron golem in the desert then you will create a sandy golem.

Mossy & Overgrown Golem
Creating an iron golem and a jungle will create 2 variations of a mossy golem.

Warped Golem
Creating an iron golem in a warped forest gives you the warped golem.

Crimson Golem
Creating an iron golem in a crimson forest gives you the crimson golem.

Soul Golem
Creating an iron golem in the soul sand valley will give you the soul golem.

Ender Golem
Creating an iron golem in the end will give you the ender golem.

Coral Golem
Creating an iron golem on a beach will give you the coral golem.

Mushroom Golem
Creating an iron golem in a mushroom biome will give you the mushroom golem.

Rusty Golem
There's also a rusty Golem, after 30 to 35 minutes the Iron Golem will Rust. Interact with any axe to remove the rust from the golem.

- 50 HP
- Attack: 3.5 - 10.5
You can create Golems from different ores like Emerald, Gold, Redstone, Amethyst, Netherite, Ancient Debris, Diamond, and Lapis Lazuli.

Redstone Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Redstone blocks
Ancient Debris Golem
- Attack: 14 - 27 AP
- Health: 160HP
- Made from Ancient Debris blocks
Amethyst Golem
- Attack: 12 - 21 AP
- Health: 65 HP
- Made from Amethyst blocks
Netherite Golem
- Attack: 18 - 30 AP
- Health: 180 HP
- Made from Netherite blocks
Gold Golem
- Attack: 4 - 16 AP
- Health: 35 HP
- Made from Gold blocks
Emerald Golem
- Attack: 16 - 28 AP
- Health: 200 HP
- Made from Emerald blocks
Diamond Golem
- Attack: 13 - 26 AP
- Health: 150 HP
- Made from Diamond blocks
Lapis Golem
- Attack: 4 - 16 AP
- Health: 35 HP
- Made from Lapis blocks
Let's go over the stone golems! All the stone golems of all the same stats.

Stone Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Stone blocks
Smooth Stone Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Smooth Stone blocks
Granite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Granite blocks
Polished Granite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Polished Granite blocks
Diorite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Diorite blocks
Polished Diorite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Polished Diorite blocks
Andesite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Andesite blocks
Polished Andesite Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Polished Andesite blocks
Blackstone Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Blackstone blocks
Brick Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Brick blocks
Next we have some golems which you can change the color of!

Terracotta Golem
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Can be dyed
- Can be made from other Terracotta
- 16 color variants

Concrete Golem
- Attack: 11 - 16 AP
- Health: 22 HP
- Can be dyed
- Can be made from other Concrete
- 15 color variants

Stained Glass Golem
- Attack: 8 - 14 AP
- Health: 12 HP
- Can be dyed
- Can be made from other Stained Glass
- 15 color variants

Wool Golem
- Attack: 8 - 11 AP
- Health: 18 HP
- Can be dyed
- Can be made from other wool
- 15 color variants
There's also the regular glass golem.

Glass Golem
- Attack: 8 - 14 AP
- Health: 12 HP
- Made from Glass blocks
Next up is the copper golem but NOT the Minecraft Live copper golem. Overtime the copper golem will oxidize but you can use an axe to deoxidize it or use a honeycomb to stop it from oxidizing.
Copper Golem
- 1 Hour to become Exposed
- Attack: 12 - 16 AP
- Health: 90 HP
- Made from Copper or Cut Copper
- Can be waxed

Exposed Copper Golem
- 1 Hour to become weathered
- Attack: 10 - 14 AP
- Health: 85HP
- Made from Exposed Copper or Exposed Cut Copper
- Can be waxed
- Can be unwaxed with any axe
- Can be deoxidized by axe

Weathered Copper Golem
- 1 Hour to become oxidized
- Attack: 8 - 12 AP
- Health: 80 HP
- Made from Weathered Copper or Weathered Cut Copper
- Can be waxed
- Can be unwaxed with any axe
- Can be deoxidized by axe

Oxidized Copper Golem
- Attack: 6 - 10 AP
- Health: 75 HP
- Made from Oxidized Copper or Oxidized Cut Copper
- Can be waxed
- Can be unwaxed with any axe
- Can be deoxidized by axe

Next is the obsidian & crying obsidian golems.

Obsidian Golem
- Attack: 13 - 18
- Health: 80
- Made from Obsidian blocks

Crying Obsidian Golem
- Attack: 13 - 18
- Health: 80
- Made from Crying Obsidian blocks
Next is the clay golem and will become a terracotta golem which struck by lightning

Clay Golem
- Attack: 6 - 10 AP
- Health: 10 HP
- Can be struck by lightning to become a terracotta golem
- Made from Clay blocks
Next is the dirt golem which can be created from coarse dirt, normal dirt, or rooted dirt.

There is also the nether golem which is made a bit differently than the other ones.

Nether Golem
- Attack: 4 - 10 AP
- Health: 25 HP
- Made from Netherrack blocks
Then we have a slime Golem and when killed will split into smaller variants.

Large Slime Golem
- Attack: 13 - 26 AP
- Health: 32 HP
Medium Slime Golem
- Attack: 7 - 13 AP
- Health: 17 HP
Small Slime Golem
- Attack: 4 - 7 AP
- Health: 9 HP
The ice golem is the last passive golem you can make.

Ice Golem
- Attack: 4 - 14 AP
- Health: 20 HP
- Made from Ice blocks
Time for the boss, the Wither Golem Boss is a very tough foe! He has the same attacks & drops as the Wither Boss. He can summon wither skeletons and Wither Golem Heads which are a new mob that can fly.

When making the Wither Golem, you will need who plays three carved pumpkins on top instead of one. And is made from Soul Sand or Soul Soil.

Wither Golem
- 400HP
- Summons Wither Skeletons
- Summons Wither Golem Heads
- Same attacks as the Wither Boss
Watch this video for more information about the golems!
This is also compatible with the newest Minecraft 1.18: Caves & Cliffs update!
I also want to thank @gengeroutter for helping with texturing and modeling of some of the golems!

- Added Golem Core block
- Added Concrete Golem
- Added Wool Golem
- Added Stained Glass Golem
- Added Terracotta Golem
- Added Brick Golem
- Added Ancient Debris Golem
- Added Amethyst Golem
- Added Netherite Golem
- Added Nether Golem
- Added Glass Golem
- Added Dirt Golem
- Added Clay Golem
- Added Stone Golem
- Added Smooth Stone Golem
- Added Granite Golem
- Added Polished Granite Golem
- Added Diorite Golem
- Added Polished Diorite Golem
- Added Andesite Golem
- Added Polished Andesite Golem
- Added Blackstone Golem
- Added Crying Obsidian Golem
- Added Obsidian Golem
- Added Ice Golem
- Added Redstone Golem
- Added Copper Golem
- Added Exposed Copper Golem
- Added Weathered Copper Golem
- Added Oxidized Copper Golem
- Added Cut Copper Golem
- Added Cut Exposed Copper Golem
- Added Cut Weathered Copper Golem
- Added Cut Oxidized Copper Golem
- Updated Slime Golem
- Updated textures
- Removed upgrade items
- Turn on Holiday Creator Features
- Turn on Additional Modding Capabilities
- Turn on Upcoming Creator Features
- Turn on Experimental Molang Features
- If you want to review or make a video about this content, please credit me in the video or description!
- DO NOT use your own link, use the proper link
- If you wish to use this for your own world creations, please credit me!
- DO NOT take ANYTHING from the addon without permission!
creator: https://twitter.com/ForgeLogicalYT