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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock More Vanilla Weapons V1.4 (Durability Fix)

MCPE/Bedrock More Vanilla Weapons V1.4 (Durability Fix)

Are you bored with weapons in Minecraft ?  do you want PVP to be more challenging?  Well I have a solution introducing More Vanilla Weapons Addon this addon added 5 new type of weapons for pvp and survival sure this is survival friendly.


This addon add 6 new type of weapons




-Battle Axe


-Greatsword NEW

Each of them has its own uniqueness

Dagger: easy craft but less damage

Katana: More damage less durability

Scythe: same damage as regular swordbut more durability

Battle Axe: more damage little bit expensive had slowness effect when you hold it

Broadsword: More damage very expensive had slowness effect when you hold it

Greatsword: Alternative broadsword better than sword easy to craft







Wooden: 2 attack damage 61 durability

Stone: 3.5 Attack damage 78 Durability

Iron: 5 Attack damage 171 Durability

Gold: 3.5 Attack damage 78 Durability

Diamond: 6 Attack damage 1156 Durability

Netherite: 7 Attack Damage 1561 Durability






Wooden: 4.5 Attack damage 61 Durability

Stone: 5.5 Attack damage 96 Durability 

Iron: 6.5 Attack damage 192 Durability

Gold: 5.5 Attack damage 111 Durability

Diamond: 6.5 Attack damage 1363 Durability

Netherite: 8.5 Attack damage 1756 Durability


Wooden:  4 Attack damage 224 Durability

Stone: 5 Attack damage 286 Durability

Iron; 6.5 Attack damage 436 Durability

Gold: 5 Attack damage 286 Durability

Diamond: 7 Attack damage 1761 Durability

Netherite:  8 Attack damage 2366 Durability

Battle Axe


Wooden: 5 Attack damage 263 Durability

Stone: 6 Attack damage 300 Durability

Iron: 7 Attack damage 506 Durability

Gold: 6 Attack damage 300 Durability

Diamond: 8 Attack damage 1836 Durability

Netherite: 9 Attack damage 2431 Durability


Wooden: 5.5 Attack damage 356 Durability

Stone: 6.5 Attack damage 456 Durability

Iron: 9 Attack damage 625 Durability

Gold; 6 Attack damage 456 Durability

Diamond: 10 Attack damage 2000 Durability

Netherite: 12 Attack damage 2625 Durability

Greatsword NEW



Wooden: 5 Attack damage 256 Durability

Stone: 6 Attack damage 300 Durability

Iron: 7 Attack damage 456 Durability

Gold: 6 Attack damage 300 Durability

Diamond: 8 Attack damage 1796 Durability

Netherite: 9 Attack damage 2551 Durability 


You can also enchant them all


is only a small update next update is gonna be a big update in this update durability is finally work and some bug fixes

Any suggestions find bug? Let me know Comment down below or dm me on twitter @kiranaked

More Weapons coming soon. 


-durability fixes

-some bug fixes

-more weapons coming soon! 



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creator: https://twitter.com/Kiranaked
