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MCPE/Bedrock Stair & Slab Carpets!

"Having tired of not being able to place your carpets on half-slabs and stairs? "Here at Random Kerbal's Research Institute, we have the solution for you (probably not the best...but anyway)!
Introducing the:Â
Stair & Slab Carpets!

With this addon, you won't have to worry about the beautiful row of carpets in your grand base being cut off due to slabs or stairs anymore!
This addon adds four new ENTITIES (yes I used entities because 2 blocks cannot exist in a 1-block space): theÂ
top Slab Carpet,Â
full Slab Carpet,Â
top Stair Carpet,Â
and full Stair Carpet.
1. Slab Carpet (top)

-can be dyed with all 16 colours like a sheep
-no special functions though
2. Slab Carpet (full)

-can be dyed with all 16 colours
-only this carpet can be SIT on. Interact with it while sneaking will toggle the sitting function, then you can sit on it like a minecart (there're instructions in-game)
3. Stair Carpet (top)

-can be dyed with all 16 colours
-can be rotated into different angles/shapes by holding a flint while sneaking
Shape (B):

Shape (C):

4. Stair Carpet (full)

-can be dyed with all 16 colours
-can be rotated into different angles/shapes by holding a flint while sneaking
Shape (B):

Shape (C):

*All carpets have an easter egg related to the "jeb_" sheep, can you find it?Â

Hitbox Offset (important!):
In order for the carpets to lie on the slabs/stairs visually, I offset their models down half a block down.Â
This makes their hitboxes higher than their models.
Aim for approximately 0.5 blocks higher (or just stand on top of the carpet) when you interact with it, or you will end up breaking the block below.
Visual Explanations (Slab Carpet):

Visual Explanations (Stair Carpet):

In order to obtain it in Survival, you would have to download the "unified crafting core" addon (not available yet...maybe wait for 1-2 weeks?). This is because I could just update the "unified crafting core" addon for the crafting recipe of items in my future addons (also I like unified crafting systems XD).
Once you acquire the crafting materials, trade with a "Portable Workshop" entity from the "unified crafting core" addon. There you go, you now have the stair & slab carpets in survival!
1) The carpets used armor stand's "runtime_identifier" to prevent shadow from showing, it will break if you punched it once. DO NOT go around punching stuff randomly in areas that have these carpets.
2) If you are having difficulty interacting with it, stand on top of the carpet. (see the Hitbox Offset section at the top)
3) I have not tried it on realms or servers so just beware.
-You DO NOT need experimental gameplay.
*However, you need to turn on the behaviour pack (which disabled achievements sadly).
-Available for any Minecraft version above 1.13
-Supports English and Chinese language
Tell me in the comments if you encountered any bugs, or have any suggestions! I would be glad to improve this addon!