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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Op Diamond Addon V1.0

MCPE/Bedrock Op Diamond Addon V1.0

Have you want to get diamond easily? So, this addon is for you! In this addon I simply add three things and now I will show you what I add in this addon.


The first thing - Diamond (But not the original one)

It can give you a diamond every 20 second.


The second thing - Diamond Flower

This flower can spawn in Desert and Mesa biomes. This flower can use to craft diamond.

Here is some screenshot:

The last thing - Diamond Geode

Diamond Geode can spawn in Desert and Mesa biomes. It will spawn in 43 and deeper.

Here is a screenshot:

These is all things in my addon. 

-If this addon have any bugs, you can tell me in command.


These experiments must enable.

creator: CREEBiees667