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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Randomized Blocks

MCPE/Bedrock Randomized Blocks

Are you builder? If yes, this addon is for you! This addon adds randomized blocks that will be useful in building. Imagine placing a stonebrick and it randomly turns into mossy stonebrick, cracked stonebrick or just in normal one.


Blocks added:

Randomized cobblestone

Randomized Cobblestone Slabs

Randomized Stonebrick


There are numbers in name of each block.

For example Cobblestones [1 1] has the same chance to set mossy cobblestone or normal cobblestone, Cobblestones [1 2] has bigger chance to set mossy cobblestone rather than normal one. Same with other blocks.

How it works:

Showcase video:

If you want to make your own video about it, put link to this page into description.

You can also contact me on my discord server if you made a showcase video and I will put it here.

If many people like this addon, I will add more randomized blocks.

creator: https://twitter.com/realMJ105


Added some more images in description.

other four needed words


Just go through linkvertise and open .mcpack using minecraft