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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock MINECRAFT, But Shearing Is OP! Version 2.0 Add-on

MCPE/Bedrock MINECRAFT, But Shearing Is OP! Version 2.0 Add-on

UPDATED! MINECRAFT, but shearing is OP! version 2.0 add-on for bedrock edition.

Get super rare items from shearing sheep!?

With the option to adjust the quality of items received using a slider.

This Minecraft, But challenge is inspired by TapL, recent Minecraft But Challenges, and I highly recommend that you check out their content if you haven't already!


Revamp your world with this extensive Minecraft, But! Add-on!

(more details below)

Check out the YouTube Video;

V1 Video:


V2 Video:

If you want to use this pack in a video or texture pack please link to my YouTube channel!

RSCBuilds YouTube Channel

Thank You Please Like👍and Subscribe🔔

This is a Minecraft, But! challenge where sheep can drop overpowered gear, like Enchanted Netherite armor and tools with protection 5, power 5, and the most op enchantment combinations enchantments in Minecraft! By shearing a Sheep you can get 2 to 4 Op items. The Sheep can be any colored sheep, it can be white, black, pink or even blue!

This is a Minecraft challenge where sheep can drop overpowered gear, like Enchanted Netherite armor and tools with protection 5, power 5, and the most op enchantment combinations enchantments in Minecraft!


V1 Classic Loot Table Pictures;



V2 Less OP Loot Table Pictures;


V2 Update Features;

Click On Cog To Change Settings

V1 Loot Table Is The Classic One!

V2 New Less OP Loot Table Is The New Lest Slider One!



Examples of items you can get are;

Classic Loot;


Blocks of Ores,


Enchanted Books,

Randomly Maxed Enchanted Netherite Armor, tools and weapons,

Randomly Maxed Enchanted Bows/Crossbows/Tridents,

Any type of Potions,

Netherite ingots/scraps,



Cooked Beef,

Golden Carrots,

Enchantment Tables,

Bottles of Enchanting's,



Golden Apples,

Totem of Undying,

Firework Rockets,



New Less Op Loot;

Diamond Ore,

Blocks of Ores,


Baddish Enchanted Books,

Randomly Enchanted Iron Armor, tools and weapons,

Randomly Enchanted Bows/Crossbows/Tridents,

Any type of Potions,



Cooked Beef,

Golden Carrots,

Enchantment Tables,

Bottles of Enchanting's,



Golden Apples,



When shearing a Sheep you will get 2 to 4 OP items. The Sheep can be any colored sheep, it can be white, black, pink or even blue!


UPDATED! MINECRAFT, but shearing is OP! version 2.0 add-on for bedrock edition.

Get super rare items from shearing sheep!?

With the option to adjust the quality of items received using a slider.


If you find any bugs please let me know in the comments💬


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