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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Wooden Armor

MCPE/Bedrock Wooden Armor

Adds a small yet vanilla styled addition to wooden tech tree of Minecraft. Introducing Wooden Armor into the game, a small frail set of armor easily crafted with any wood type in-game. 



Adds a small yet vanilla styled addition to wooden tech tree of Minecraft. Introducing Wooden Armor into the game, a small frail set of armor easily crafted with any wood type in-game.


Crafting Wooden Armor is as easy as it sounds, simply take any wood type & put them in the classic crafting formation of other armor types in-game.


Stats of the armor~

Helmet - 1 Armor Point - 30 Durability

Chestplate - 3 Armor Points - 55 Durability

Leggings - 2 Armor Points - 50 Durability

Boots - 1 Armor Point - 40 Durability



Make sure to have the settings in the image below enabled for the best experience.



-Updated the logo to hopefully meet the terms that it needs for this Add-On to be uploaded.