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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Plus - 1.2 (Texture Updates, Bug Fixes + New Axolot!)

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Plus - 1.2 (Texture Updates, Bug Fixes + New Axolot!)

Explore the wonders of new worlds with this add-on, with brand new stairs and slabs all the way to new mobs, such as axolotls! Even new tools! Even some forgotten mobs; Like the Vulture!


What is Minecraft Plus? 

Minecraft+, or more formally known as MCP, or Minecraft Plus is an Add-On that adds in new things, such as Vulcans, more axolotl's. 


This add-on doesn't add in a lot of mobs yet. We are still working on it, and planning new things for it. 


Based on this add-on, Even More Axolotl Types - 1.0.5 | Minecraft PE Mods & Addons you  Created by me, this was created. Not every type is in here, as this was a recode of the original product.



The nether axolotl is made by, @FMWild57 on twitter.

This axolotl (When we get into the spawns update) will spawn in the nether, being immune to water. This may or may not be a limited time axolotl.



Making its way into another add-on, the Black Axolotl makes a return.

This will spawn in the overworld, with a 100% Spawn rate in any type of ocean or river. (Excluding frozen ones.)


Hey, looky here! The sculk axolotl awakens from his den, for another appearance.

This will appear in a new biome.


A brand new axolotl has also made it in. The purple axolotl will be (when we get ready to do it) one out of 6 elemental axolotl's, this being the levitation one. (Based on the end, shulkers.) This will spawn in any ocean or river.



Just like the black axolotl, it doesn’t do anything.


Just like the black axolotl, it doesn’t do anything.



The Vulcan is based on the Minecraft Live event in 2018/2019. This one lost the vote, to foxes. Description: its a bird.



Currently, there is only a few items. Its mostly just buckets of axolotl. 

Here is every single one.


This add-on, adds more then just blocks themselves...We added in, slabs and stairs as well.





Inky (Me) Holding the black axolotl bucket.

A house built with the white concrete stairs, and slabs.

A house using the Red and Blue color pallet. 

Images of me holding the new Red Bronze tools.

 Images of me holding new items.





Red Bronze Block



Red-Bronze Pickaxe

Fixed Melted Ingot to be Gold & Copper 

creator: https://twitter.com/DaRealInky