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MCPE/Bedrock Lockable Doors Addon + Electric Fence Addon
![MCPE/Bedrock Lockable Doors Addon + Electric Fence Addon](https://mcdlspot.com/mcpe-bedrock-images/mcpe-bedrock-lockable-doors-addon--electric-fence-addon_2-750x459.png)
This addon adds 16 new doors to the game which can be locked/unlocked using special key cards, you can either set these doors to get unlocked only by you or by anyone with the key card. You can even use these doors in any of your maps or templates, ENJOY ? Â
By the way, I make many addons and videos like this, so if you want to see any other or want to send a request, send it on my Latest YouTube Video, channel name - Anni boy  ( Please subscribe to my YouTube because it inspires me to make more such kind of addons...please)
Lockable Doors:
These doors when lock are unbreakable which means that they neither burn, drown, fished, brake nor can be killed (You can use /kill but still it won't die, when locked ). They can only be unlocked by the same colour key cards (The default/normal door only get's unlocked/locked with normal key card). You can even name a door using name tags to remember or make a map using this addon.
Crafting a lockable door:
2 x Pistons
Colouring a normal lockable door:
You can colour a normal unlocked door using desired dye, right click the door  (Or hold for mobile users) with the desired dye in hand to change colour:
for recolouring a coloured door, brake it with a door braker (Info given below), place the door and recolour.
Key cards:
Use key cards to lock/unlock the same coloured doors, you can also rename them using an anvil to use to inside a map or to remember which door it unlocks (Added this feature specially for colour blinds)
Crafting a key card:
Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate : Redstone Dust (Will only work when Redstone dust is placed just below the plate)
Colouring a key card:
Mix a normal key card with desired dye to make coloured key cards, NOTE- Make sure that your dye is placed just below normal key card:
In all, there are 16 possibilities of Key Cards:
Recognition Module:
This is a special module which allows you to make the door get only unlocked by you [ Not recommended for map creators] (You own the door and you can only unlock it, make sure to hold a key card or it might show you the disown error or the locked message). To apply the module, right click on the door (Hold/Interact option for mobile users).
Crafting a recognition Module:
Observer : Iron Trap Door
Door Braker:
As the door is Unbreakable, you can brake the door only when it is unlocked using this item. In order to brake, right click on the door (Hold/Interact option for mobile users) your door will brake and you will obtain a new door in your inventory. (Make sure that you at least have one empty slot)
Crafting a Door Braker:
Shears : Flint
Electric Fence:
To protect your walls, base, door etc-etc, you can use this electric fence to shock the people coming close to your base. Once you have placed a fence, you will have to power it up by right clicking it with a Redstone Block or a Redstone dust. This is a smart fence which means it will not give a shock to it's owner / the person who powered it up and instead will shock every other player and mob. In order to break a fence, use shears...don't worry only the owner can brake it using shears, no one else can do that.
Crafting an Electric Fence:
8 x Iron Nuggets : 1 x Cobweb
See all the things in action, working proof + Animations in Fun !
[ I tried to film it in a heist drama type, just to make it non-bored  ? ]
Q: What if I forgot what to do inside the game?
A : Type "/function info_lockabledoor" in chat box to get a whole list of brief info
Q: Shall I take a screenshot of the craftings to remember them?
A: No need! Just type "/function craftings_lockabledoor" in chat box to get a list.
Q: Will this addon cause lag on my device?
A: This addon would never be a reason to lag, it might be some other addon, Minecraft itself, or maybe there are problems on your device.
Q: Can I use it on Multiplayer?
A: Obviously yes, you can ?
Q: Can I use it for 1.14 or 1.13?
A: No, you will require 1.16.100 or above version...sorry ?
Q: Can I use it for 1.17 or above?
A: Sure!
Sorry for all those who have downloaded this recently, in this update I have fixed some things:
- Download link was updated
- Added a way to break the electric fence
- You need to now activate the fence using a Redstone block or Redstone dust in order to make it shock people
- Doors now cannot be fished and broke
- Now doors are arrow immune
How to install:
- Go to the link provided
- Click on the option, Free Access with ads
 3.Click on view articles.
4. Wait 15 Seconds and Close the articles tab.
5. Download the addon from Mediafire ?
creator: CakeCircle90308