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MultiPixel Texture Pack
MultiPixel is a high-definition texture pack with never-before-seen 32x textures! It's ideal if you want to improve the appearance of Minecraft while keeping the vanilla styling. All Rights Reserved, Author: Zou Chenyunfei @ZouChenyunfei on Twitter Pack's official Twitter account is @MultiPixelHD. Welcome to the MultiPixel channel on Discord! (https://discord.gg/6BmSrzJ) If you follow us, you will receive the most up-to-date information first!

MultiPixel Texture Pack is the default texture pack. The new default texture pack has a resolution of 1616 pixels, and this one has twice that. So it's basically twice as good as the new Minecraft textures.
All textures included!
RTX on Beta
- When using MultiPixel RTX Beta Pack, you can turn on RTX in your world.
- Minecraft Windows10 RTX Beta Only!