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MCPE/Bedrock Mob Blocks (1.18)

This is a simple add-on that allows you to use /fill with vanilla Minecraft mobs. Is it silly? Yes. Is it stupid? Yes, is it practical? Maybe(?). Is it fun? Y E S. With this add-on, you can do /fill with mobs because this add-on adds blocks that spawns their designated mobs, event the Ender Dragon and Wither Boss ?
They can be found in the Equipment tab of the creative inventory. They're NOT obtainable in survival. Placing a Mob Block will spawn its designated mob instantly.
There are a total of 77 blocks currently in the add-on's current version. As Minecraft continuously gets updates, this add-on will be updated too.
Minecarts, Lightning Bolts, and Ender Crystals can be spawned too.

creator: https://twitter.com/real_cr21
- Updated links again
- Updated installation tutorial
- Updated content title
- Fully updated
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Make sure to turn on ALL experimental gameplay features to enjoy this add-on to the fullest.
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