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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Random Stuffs lol

MCPE/Bedrock Random Stuffs lol

So you want more things in your world, but not quite sure what. With the help of a friend I have made an addon with everything you didn't know you wanted. And let me assure you, you WANT this addon. It has everything from new foods to funky blocks so why not download it. (P.s. nothing is replaced by this addon).


This addon adds Corn Dogs, Cooked Corn dogs, demon slayer, Sword Sword, Netherite sticks, compact obsidian, Nunchucks, Ditch stone, Ditch head stone, an obsidian Pickaxe, Shuriken, and several new crafting recipes.

Corn Dog

Has a chance of cause nausea and restores few hunger bars

Can be cooked to restore 8 hunger bars

Demon slayer

45 attack damage and extremely expensive

Made from A nether star, Netherite stick, Obsidian, compact obsidian, and a netherite block

Sword Sword

16 attack damage

Netherite sticks

Crafted from 3 netherite ingots

Compact obsidian

Crafted with 8 obsidian and one crying obsidian


6 attack damage

Obsidian Pickaxe

5 attack damage


3 attack damage and are a throwable item

Saddle crafting recipe

Name Tag crafting recipe

Ditch stone is a new pink block that can be found in small veins underground. When put in a stone cutter it can be turned into a ditch head block. The name of the blocks come from an inside joke about a deceased pet sheep.

The one with the face does not naturally generate in your world.

creator: UsingGold



Changed featured image
Tested all items for functionality (They all work btw)


Click and go lol