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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Addon Hulk

MCPE/Bedrock Addon Hulk

This Addon will add the evil Hulk Destroyer in Minecraft, which will destroy everything in its path, he will not curse anyone in power and the mass will not yield. Addon is well modernized, good animation, and physics

My YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC3KlwWOYoEDprqgw5PsMu2w


Hulk - a fighter with great power and defeat him is not easy, he destroys almost all the young in minecraft, he can run fast, and jump very high on the victim, also he can strongly roar opening back!

Hulk, each time causing him damage, gradually reduces health, but increases the damage and reduces the speed of attack, and he begins to damage greatly. It is divided into three types of rage:

1 rage

Damage - 10

Health - 1300

Jump - 10

Roar - 19

Attack speed - 1,67sec


2 rage

Damage - 250

Health - 500

Jump - 250

Roar - 19

Attack speed - 1,20sec

3 rage

Damage - 5000

Health - 250

Jump - 5000

Roar - 19

Attack speed - 0,67sec




Download the add-on, then run this file through minecraft in any archivist and find an add-on in the list of resources, behaviors.

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3KlwWOYoEDprqgw5PsMu2w