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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Light Level Sensor

MCPE/Bedrock Light Level Sensor

Tired of monsters spawning in what you thought was a well-lit base? Will struggle no more with the Light Level Sensor; A simple addon that displays the current light level value of where the player is standing. 


Light Level Sensor

Beta 0.0.1

Tired of monsters spawning in what you thought was a well-lit base? Will struggle no more with the Light Level Sensor; A simple addon that displays the current light level value of where the player is standing. 

I designed two different versions of the addon to accommodate different load-outs.

Builder Edition: Is activated with a function and uses a separate entity to track light values.

  • /function light_level.sensor

Player Edition: Is activated by holding the Daylight Sensor Block and uses the player.json to track light values.