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MCPE/Bedrock DaBaby Turns Into a Convertible Meme Addon
This funny meme addon will add Da Baby who is a funny giant big head from the popular internet meme 'DaBaby turns into a convertible' which will hunt you down in your your minecraft world making spooky scary sounds saying 'Let's GO!' when attacking and you will have to fight this funny boss off or he will try to kill you, and you can finish him off!
Screenshots showing how the addon looks like in the gameÂ
    It will attack every Hostile mob and some neutral mobs as well in your           minecraft worldÂ
          Be sure to only fight him in survival when ready and                   determined
Details and info about the addon
health:101 hpÂ
max hp :101
category: hostile/ will atack most entities including you the player
attack damage: 3Â
movement sped: 2.3
You Can fight him off in survival and kill him killed Lol
  Creator of This addon
Aaron Gamer
Do not share direct links simply give the link
to credit the creator
I made this work for most minecraft versions, 1.17.0+, 1.16.40, 1.16.200, 1.14.20 Â and more bellow other versions
                               SHOWCASE VIDEO HERE
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Click The download link, then you will be taken to the Mediafire link then download.