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MCPE/Bedrock [1.17] TT's Copper and Steel (Armor, Tools, Unique Steel-Making Process)
This addon is designed to add in something that seems to have been completely forgotten by the new 1,17 update, copper armor and tools! They can be crafted with the vanilla armor and tool recipes using copper ingots. Copper armor has the same stats as chainmail armor and copper tools are equivalent to iron but with less durability. This addon also adds in a process to create steel as well as steel armor and tools.Â
Copper is straightforward and uses the vanilla copper ingot as a crafting material. There is the copper axe, copper pickaxe, copper shovel, copper hoe, and copper sword which are all crafted using the vanilla Minecraft recipes and copper ingots. Copper armor is also crafted using copper ingots and the vanilla armor recipes. Copper armor has the same stats as chainmail armor and copper tools are equivalent to iron but with less durability. Tools and armors can be enchanted and also repaired with the same tool or copper ingots.
Steel Production
Steel tools are equivalent to iron tools with ~3x the durability. Steel armor is ~3x as durable as iron and offers the same level of defense. The steel helmet does offer one higher defense level than the iron helmet as an added bonus. In order to produce steel you will need to craft two unique workbenches as well as a vanilla Minecraft anvil. To begin your work as a blacksmith you must craft a bloomery and a quenching bucket:
A bloomery is crafted with eight bricks on a crafting table in the above patttern, a quenching bucket is crafted with six wooden slabs (no nether wood slabs) and 3 iron bars as seen above. Two other essential items that you will need are the tongs and hammer! Craft these with sticks and iron ingots as seen below:
Once you have these two new workbenches, tongs, a hammer, and an anvil, you are ready to make steel!
The first step is to fill the bloomery with carbon-rich coal. You can craft this with either coal that you have mined or charcoal that you have produced. 6 coal will craft into a compacted coal, 6 compacted coal will craft into one carbon-rich coal. Six charcoal will craft into one compacted charcoal, six compacted charcoal will craft into one carbon-rich coal. We recommend stocking up on as much carbon-rich coal as you can if you plan on making steel!
You can right click or "use" the carbon-rich coal on the bloomery to begin fueling it. When adding the carbon-rich coal, there is a 50% chance of the coal crumbling into ash and becoming unusable. You can also right click or "use" a stick on the bloomery at any time to get a message about the status of the bloomery. Once you have successfully loaded the bloomery with 3 carbon-rich coal, use a flint and steel on it to light it! Feed the bloomery two iron ingots and then finally use your tongs on the bloomery to get a bloom!
 Blooms can only be placed onto anvils. So place this one down and get out your hammer! Right click or "use" the hammer on the bloom until you receive a "hot steel ingot". [You will have to crouch and place to get the bloom on the anvil!]
You're almost done! The final stage to produce steel is to fill your quenching bucket! You can use a bucket of water to fill it or a regular bucket to empty it.Â
Use the hot steel ingot on a full bucket of water and you will be rewarded with a steel ingot! Use this in vanilla crafting recipes to make steel tools and armor! Steel ingots can also be crafted into steel blocks and back into ingots using a crafting table.Â