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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Chest Op (Addon)

MCPE/Bedrock Chest Op (Addon)

This is a plugin in the style "I Step Minecraft But .." It was inspired by the Minecraft Java plugin used by the youtuber "Roast Duck". This plugin is a "challenge" to be able to make a video or have fun speedruning alone or with friends.

CREATOR : SebasXD224
DISCORD : SebasXD224#6430
YOUTUBE : SebasXD224
PAYPAL : paypal.me/SebasXD224



To use the addon is very easy, you just have to put it in your world and all the structures that have not been loaded before will get a super op loot that will make the game much easier for you.

The addon will add a lot of things like netherite, diamond and iron armor. Also things like weapons be it swords, bows and / or enchanted tridents AND super cheta food like golden apples, notch apple, golden carrots, etc.

In addition to that they will also include some things that will facilitate transport or make the game easier such as ender pearls, shulker, ender eyes, xp bottles, etc. And not only are these loot items since there are many more that I invite you to discover.

Currently the loot ops are in all the structures of the game, if you see there are not in any you can tell me in the comments.


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