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MCPE/Bedrock Copper Golem Addon || Beta v2

This is an addon based on the deleted mob "Copper Golem", which adds this entity and its function of pressing buttons, if you are interested in the addon I invite you to download it.
To get this mobs you just have to craft it in the following way:

once obtained you can place it anywhere that suits you
Copper Golem


Copper Golem exposed

Copper Golem weathered

Copper Golem oxidized
When the "Copper Golem" is oxidized, it will not move and will be useless.

If the Copper Golem sees a button it will try to press it, since it likes them very much and does it from time to time.

The Copper Golem will rust over time, its life span before rusting completely is 21 minutes, these are easy to get and can be repaired in an update.
Copper Golem oxidized (New)
Now, when it rusts, it will become a statue and will not move.

To deoxidize it you must use a bottle of honey, interact with the golem and it will return to its normal state


If you are going to do a review, leave a link, do not create your own links.
Added possibility of being able to deoxidize copper golems.
Statue function was added to the golem when it is rusted.
Entities were retexturized.
Their artificial intelligence was improved and it was also corrected that they go towards the stone and blackstone buttons.

creator: https://twitter.com/@Dexten_Mods