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MCPE/Bedrock Craftables
We all know that Minecraft has had it's fair share of removed recipes or recipes that were never added. This addon is here to fix that by reimplementing removed recipes and adding more that make sense and should be in the game(but aren't).Â
Full Feature list:
Furnace recipes:
Rotten flesh can be smelted into leather
Raw iron, gold and copper can be smelted into full blocks
Item recipes:
Items with crafting table recipes include:
Saddle, Name tag, amethyst shard, budding amethyst, enchanted golden apple, trident, all horse armor types and chain armor.
Horse armor recipes:
Chain armor recipes:
Miscellaneous :
If you are going to make a video of my addon put a link to this page and NOT the Mediafire/AD link as it is changed after every update.(Like every week or two)
And that's it, download link below and installation details down there too.
- Changed the logo of the addon.
- Reduced amount of ads to download addon.
To install(Applies to most addons, resource packs and skin packs):
- Click on the download link
- Go through the ads
- Download it on the Mediafire page.
- Click on the file wherever you downloaded it and it will automatically import on most devices
- If it doesn't on windows, right click the file go to open with and select Minecraft
If it doesn't on mobile, press and hold the file, click open with and select Minecraft
But it will usually import automatically