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KanColle Add-On WW2 Aircraft & Tanks

This Add-on adds Aircraft, tanks, and Ship girls into Minecraft.
Kantai Collection (Combined Fleet Collection, Kancolle) is a Japanese web browser game. It’s a story about “Kanmusu“(Ship Girls) fight against Abyssal Fleet.
My Twitter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
V1.1.0 Update video:
How to install

Before introducing vehicles, please note that you get special items of this Add-on in Creative inventory.
They cannot be crafted currently. Or you can find them in creative inventory.
Also, tap button to fire, no more "long click to fire" anymore.

Look up to take off, look down to descend.
When riding, use item Bullet belt to fire main armament.
All aircraft can be repaired with leathers.
Lockheed P-38

Messerschmitt Bf 109G6 (Finnish Air Force)

Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX

Vought F4U-1D Corsair

Kawasaki Type 3 Fighter Ki-61 Hien hei (244 Sentai)

Messerschmitt Me-163B

Aichi Type 99 Dive Bomber

Mitsubishi Navy Type 1 attack bomber (G4M2e)
Note: No button for this aircraft. This vehicle still need to long click with items to attack.

Tanks and other vehicles
Tanks have thier own cannon shells, you need to ride on the tank and use correct shell to fire main armament. For example, M4A1 DD needs a 75cm AP.
When riding, use Buellt belt to fire secondary armament (machine guns).
Most tanks can carry items. All vehciles can be repaired with iron blocks.
KV-1 Model 1941
Shell: 76mm ZIS-5 APHE
Crews: 4
When destoryed, it will turn into "damaged" state.

Sd.Kfz. 251
Crews:12 (player, villager)
Main armament: MG42 machine guns
Use wrench to open rear doors.

M8 Greyhound
Shell: 37mm M3 HE
Crews: 4
A fast armor car. Watch out for Pillagers, they may steal this vehicle.

Bob Semple Tank
Main armament: Bren machine guns
Crews: 6 (player, pillager)
Made in New Zealand. New Zealand's secret weapon.


Panzer IV. Ausf. H

T-34/85 Medium Tank

Churchill Crocodile

M4A1 Sherman Duplex Drive

Special Type 2 Launch Ka-Mi

Higgins Boat / LCVP

Type IXC U-boat “U-511”


Kanmusu will attack Abyssals.
They can be healed by Mamiya or Irako items.
Holding Admiral Hat will make Kanmusu follow you.
You have to get closer to listen to their voices. What's more, holding “Admiral hat” will make Kanmusu follow you.
Plus, use Admiral Hat to interact with them! With subtitles!

Japanese Repiar Ship Akashi
HP: 47/47
By giving her an iron block, she will start "repairing" Kanmusu in 3 blocks. To stop, just give her another iron block.
When at the beach, she will switch to "swimsuit" mode.
She also sells cannon shells and ammos, but no vehicles.

Japanese AGS Souya

Japanese Escort Ship Tsushima

Japanese Destroyer Shimakaze

Japanese submarine I-168

German U-boat U-511

Sweden Seaplane Cruiser Gotland

Italian Heavy Cruiser Zara due

IJN Food Supply Ship Mamiya & Irako

Japanese Aircraft Carrier Hiryu

German Battleship Bismarck

Boku Kawauso (I am otter)

Once bosses are defeated you will get lots of experiences or their weapon.
Abyssal Destroyers: I / Ro / Ha / Ni / Na Class

Abyssal Class Patrol Torpedo Boat

Abyssal Transport Ship Wa-Class

[Boss] Abyssal Aircraft Carrier Demon

[Boss] Abyssal Aviation Battleship Northern Princess

[Boss] Abyssal Battleship Pacific Princess

Select version for changelog:
New entities:
- KV-1 1941
- Sd.Kfz. 251
- M8 Greyhound
- Bob Semple Tank
- Akashi
Technicals changes:
- Change all namespaces to "kancolle".
- Remove "hasaki" command.
- Rename items and entites whose name started with numbers.
- Add climbing animation to vehicles.
- Add inventory to tanks.
- Tanks decals now are hidden in default, you need to use spawn event command to turn they on. Same for tanks' hatchesm they are closed by default.
- Type 2 Kami has a issue, but not affect gaming.
- Firing now costs shells and bullet belts, you have to wait for 1~5 seconds to give the next shot.
- Reduce some ammos' damage, increase cannon shells' damage.
How to skip Ads (Read Carefully)
1. Click black button "Free access with Ads"
2. Click white button "Discover interesting articles" wait for 10 seconds and close the window.
3. Click orange button "Continue"
4. It will open a new tab, then it will go to Mediafire.
How to install
1. Completely remove old versions before updating. (Game Settings → Storage → Delete old behaviors and resources.)
2. Enable Resource and Behavior packs.
3.Turn on all "Experimental Gameplay" options in world setiings.
Enable ship girls or Vehicles only
This Add-On contains WW2 vehicles and ship girls. You can switch it in resource pack & behavior pack resolution settings.

If spawn eggs are invisible in game:
Delete imported Add-On and try:
1. Rename .mcaddon to .zip, then extract it.
2. Move "Kancolle BP" folder to to internal storage/games/com.mojang/development_behavior_packs.
3. Move "Kancolle RP" folder to to internal storage/games/com.mojang/development_resource_packs.