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VExZE Shaders V2

VExZE shader is the result of a collaboration between Hyrazero (Zebra Shader Creator) and KK3310 (Vert Shader Creator) in which they combined the coloring and lighting of Vert and Zebra to make it look beautiful while remaining light for Low-End devices. VExZE Shader is available in two editions: Z Edition and V Edition. The Z Edition is made to Hyrazero's liking, while the V Edition is made to KK3310's liking, without changing the main base of the combination of Vert and Zebra shaders. This shader is appropriate for use when playing survival or creative, as it will enhance the beauty of your Minecraft.
eaNote :
This Shader can only be used for MCPE V.14 and Up !!
Z Edition :
V Edition :
Trailer Video By KK3310
Cinematic & Review Video By Hyrazero
Features :
- Realistic Coloring & Tonemap
- Foggie
- Waving Plants
- Beautiful sky
- Realistic Water
Creator :
- Hyrazer0
- KK3310
- Sony Xperia Z5 Compact
- Samsung J2 Pro 2018
- Lenovo A6600
- Redmi Note 7
- Realme C2
- Realme 3
- Redmi 5a