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Bicubic Shader v2.8 (1.15/1.16)

What about the light and at the same time colorful shaders for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.15 and 1.16? Bicubic received a recent functional update, becoming one of the lightest shaders for Android (iOS was not tested at that time). While the weight of other Minecraft PE shaders is on average more than a few megabytes, Bicubic requires only 50KB and a little performance of your device.
By: Mhavin
Changelog v2.8:
• Updated water reflections
• Sky reflection on water
• Added new fog
• Updated sky scattering
• Updated new tonapping method
Changelog v2.5:
• Code optimization
• New Tone color
• Now this shader supports Win10
• New water wave and surface
• New cloud volume
• Now is water rendered in swamp biome
• New reflection of the sun during the evening time
• Improved grass and leaf movements
• Repairing non-soft color changes during the afternoon
• Support for Minecraft Bedrock 1.16 Nether
• Four editions matching your specs
What are the simplest shaders?
For Bedrock, Bicubic Shader is a very lightweight graphics solution with many aspects of great shaders at the same time. Typically, top shaders combine 5, 7 or 10 individual modules at once, growing into a large file.
The difference between this shader is its lightness from all that is superfluous, which consumes a lot of memory. As a result, the shader adds the most necessary for the presence of realism. There are shadows, lighting, clear water and several additional features.
Test Device:
Asus Rog Phone 2
8GB Ram
Adreno 640
Snapdragon 855 Plus