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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Renewable MC

MCPE/Bedrock Renewable MC

This makes non-renewable items/resources in bedrock edition renewable, but not OP. Craft Ores, Custom Mob Drops, Custom Piglin Trades, and much more! Best for use in worldsor challenges with limited resources.


This Add-on makes most non-renewable resources renewable. This way there isn't a FINITE amount of these items/blocks in the world, also makes some other stuff easier to obtain that doesn't really affect the "flow" of the game

Lets start with Blast Furnace:

Cobblestone > Gravel > Sand

 Dirt > Clay (Clay was renewable but i think its a bit too much to have hero of the village to obtain it)

Diamonds - can now be obtained by Blasting any piece of diamond armour, 1 piece from each piece of armour

Next are ores

ores are craft-able, for decorative purposes

I realize that some ores could be exploited with that recipe (fortune) so I made those more expensive

and of course deepslate variants as well

and dont forget nether ores

And Now Blocks


now, budding amethyst should be craft-able, I mean there's nothing amethyst really benefits to the player other than decorative


Items and Special Blocks

Horse armours are now craft-able, but have a progression to them leather -> iron -> gold -> diamond

More Items:

enchanted golden apples I made more expensive because gold farms are so easy nowadays.

also corals because.... I don't know...... But 2 Fans makes 1 Coral, 4 Corals makes 1 Block

Mob Drops

well there are somethings that aren't renewable and shouldn't be craft-able IMO.
for those i made piglins trade them, but with a low threshold. Ancient Debris and Snout Banner, Otherside and Pigstep Music Discs

also Husks drop sand, because if a zombie degrades in a desert its flesh will dry up and turn to dust. At-least that's how i justify it.

And tropical fish drop coral fans because reasons.


Future Todo List

currently spawners are craft-able 

and takes quite abit of resources to make.

but i don't have any ideas for the spawn eggs yet. Remember this Add-on isn't suppose to be OVER POWERED. so for OP stuff like spawners, i don't want it to be easy. if anyone has any ideas comment and share

and if you have any suggestions or stuff to add please don't hesitate to post a comment.


Version 1.00

  • All ores Craft-able, but not exploitable
  • All decorative blocks craft-able
  • Piglins trades
  • Mob Drops
  • Spawners Craftable
creator: DarkSidePro