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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock SHome [WIP]

MCPE/Bedrock SHome [WIP]

SHome is an addon/script that can set your home with a custom command. With this you can set, remove, change, setspawan, and warp to your home. And can be use in other dimension.


SHome [wip] is an addon/script that can set your home with a custom command. With this you can set, remove, change, setspawan, and warp to your home. And can be use in other dimension.

How to use:

first you need to turn on "Enable Game Test Framework"

prefix -h

type -h help to get list of command you can use.

That's all the command you can use



  • you can make video about it.
  • don't put direct download link, put this link instead.
  • feel free to look at the code, just dont copy all code.
  • don't upload this on other web without my permission.
  • Change download link
  • Add mediafire direct
  • Fix some bug that i found
  • Edited description


click the link > press free access > follow verify step > press continue > get to download

  • mcpack  = open it with minecraft.
  • zip = unzip and paste it on behavior pack.

make sure "Enable Game Test Framework" turn on in your world.

creator: https://twitter.com/dzombies45