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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Pocket End Portal (1.17 Support)

MCPE/Bedrock Pocket End Portal (1.17 Support)

Have you ever wanted to have a End Portal that you could carry around with you?

Or just put one inside your house without taking up too much space?

Well I am happy to introduce to you the brand new Pocket End Portal!!


NOTE: Enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this addon!!!

Code made with bridge

Textures with paint.net

3D models made with Blockbench


Pocket End Portal is a small addon that adds a mini End Portal that will teleport you to the End once you jump on it.

Here is the recipe:

NOTE: This will give you 2 portals one is for going to the end and the other one is to return or use them however you want

creator: https://twitter.com/CrazyRap5


-Update to Support 1.17 Minecraft Version

-Minor Changes

-Bug fixes