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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock More Wands Addon V3

MCPE/Bedrock More Wands Addon V3

This Addon adds 9 different types of Wands to the game, 

you can find Mining wand , Food Wand , Lightning wand , Fire Wand , And more .

every wand can do something , like give you positions effects or some abilities .

This is the Addon hope you enjoy , 

Good Luck .


New at this update :

  1. Adds durability to wands.
  2. Fix all game crash bugs.
  3. Remove broken wands



Food Wand

This wand will fill your hunger bar after use it , and it doesn’t cost you anything .


Lighting Wand

This wand will summon lighting at all entities near you and summon lighting at you with fire protection .


Mining Wand

This wand will mine 3x3 blocks front of you and give you the blocks .


Fire Wand

This wand will burn near entities ( fill fire under near entities ) , and it doesn’t cost you anything .


Time Wand

After use this wand it will change the time , ( night to day , day to night ) , and it doesn’t cost you anything .

XP Wand

After use this wand it will give you a small bar of your XP bar , you can use it ultimate , and it doesn’t cost you anything .


TNT Wand

After use this wand it will summon tnt above near entities and it will explode them , and it won’t cost you anything , 

Arrows Wand

After use this wand it will summon arrow above near entities and it will damage them , and it won’t cost you anything , 

Poison Wand

This wand will effect poison to near entities , damage them , and it doesn’t cost you anything .


You can’t use the addon without turn ( Holiday Creator Features ) on

This is the Addon , hope you enjoy , 

Good luck .


Fix bugs,
Removed broken wands,
Edit some textures,
Fix crash and lag game bug.

creator: AmGamer766