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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Skeleton Boss Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Skeleton Boss Addon

Skeleton boss addon, adds to Minecraft a new boss with many abilities and above all very strong, being stronger than the ender dragon himself
He will undoubtedly be a worthy adversary for those adventurers who are too skilled
?Do you think you are too strong to defeat him


Skeleton boss: He is a boss who only appears at night, it is a bit difficult to find him but it would be better not to challenge him.

health: 800 with a great chance to regenerate 



*Explosive laser: it is an overcharged shot, it does 50 to 65 damage

*hammer blow: will send the enemy flying, does about 60-62 damage

*invocation of his minions

Skeleton boss minions: They are too fast, they help the skeleton boss to defeat his enemies.

 health: 45 

damage: 6 

kick: 10 damage 

range: 6-9 damage
