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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Knowledge Powers

MCPE/Bedrock Knowledge Powers

Have you ever wanted powers that are hard to get but are very rewarding into your worlds. Well, this addon adds exactly that, it adds mysteries to get the powers, ways to get the powers better and more.


Everything you need to know is in the showcase:


With this addon you can craft a magnifying glass, you can also craft ancient dirt. When you use the magnifying glass on ancient dirt, there is a 1 in 10 chance you will get a mystery creator. When you use the mystery creator you get one of the 10 mysteries. In the crafting table or the crafting menu in your inventory, if you put the solution or solutions with the mystery, you will get an answer loot block. When you place the answer loot block and interact with the block, you get a random one of these items(Skill point - 1, Haste item, Jump item, Regeneration item, Remove item, Resistance item, Speed item, Strength item, or Superpower syringe). With the Skill point - 1, you can craft a Skill point - 4, by putting four Skill point - 1's in a crafting table or crafting menu in your inventory. Then you can craft a Skill point - 16, by putting four Skill point - 4's in a crafting table or crafting menu in your inventory. With the Skill point - 16 items, you can craft superpowers or a mega power syringe. The superpowers you craft are flash, superman, ironman, and hulk. With the superpowers and a mega power syringe, you can craft a mega power. The reason to upgrade your powers is not only to have to take up less space in your inventory but also because the powers get better like, the strength item gives you strength 2, but the mega power gives you strength 8. Also, a fun extra thing is you can put the mega power item on your helmet armor slot, and on your left hand, you will have a gauntlet with 7 different colors(an easter egg to the infinity gauntlet).


Magnifying Glass - Use it on ancient dirt to get mystery creator:

Ancient Dirt:

Mystery Creator - use it to get a random mystery:

Mystery - put the mystery and the answer to the mystery in a crafting table to get answer loot:

Answer Loot - Place it and use it to get a random power(BUG:If you don't have an item on you slot, and use it, you won't get anything)

Skill Point:




Super Powers:


Mega Power:

Why you would update:

With the strength item you only get strength 2:

For hulk superpower you get strength 4:

For mega power you get strength 8:



You are allowed to make a showcase on the addon as long as you give credits and you put this page



-Added more detailed photos to help you see the items and blocks


You will need all experimental features on for all devices


Download the mcaddon and follow the directions for your device

PC: Open the mcaddon file, it should open Minecraft and install the addon

Mobile: Open the mcaddon file, it should open Minecraft and install the addon

Xbox: Open McAddon Manager, click import, choose the mcaddon file of the addon, it should import it, open Minecraft and have fun

Other devices: If there is a way to do it